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CELL is an eco-citizen movement whose mission is to imagine and implement concrete solutions to the climate crisis and the resulting societal challenges.

CELL's mission is to co-construct the transition for everyone through a profound transformation of our social model. We are working to : 

Support the transition movement

Contribute to Luxembourg's climate policy

Activate the citizen dimension as part of the Climate Pact 2.0

Make the case for climate action


Transition is a move towards a new economic and social model that provides a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the major environmental challenges of our century and the threats facing our planet.

Operating at all levels, the ecological transition aims to put in place a resilient and sustainable development model that rethinks the way we consume, produce, work and live together. The ecological transition covers several sectors: food, the economy, energy, governance, education, health, territories, etc...


Where are you in your ecological transition?


Translated with (free version)

Transition Days is a three-day festival aimed at bringing together those who believe in the potential of local action for social change.

7 different themes of Transition are on offer in a space for exchanging experiences. Activities include food system reforms, democratic assemblies involving citizens, solution-oriented exhibitions, social simulations, children's games, repair cafés and gardening tips and tricks. Inspired by our countless links with partners, initiatives and projects across Luxembourg that are leading the transition movement, we know that another world is possible.

En tant que hub du mouvement de transition au Luxembourg, CELL présente Transition Days 2024, ACT FOR CHANGE, un événement de 3 jours en partenariat avec la Ville de Luxembourg. Ce festival est pensé comme une vitrine interactive de solutions existantes et fonctionnelles à travers le pays et ailleurs.

Pour cette édition, nous nous concentrons sur les leviers d’action pour un monde plus résilient. Quelles sont les idées, les avancées et les alternatives proposées ici et ailleurs pour l’action climatique ( ) ? Comment pouvons-nous appliquer et renforcer ces solutions tout en devenant des acteurs du changement ? Au cours des 10 dernières années, le CELL a défini ses activités à travers différents thèmes autour de la transition et a développé un discours politique pour expliquer notre vision (voir notre Manifeste 2023). Nous vous invitons à explorer cette vision tout au long du festival.

Dans un espace d’échange et de partage à ciel ouvert, 7 thèmes différents de la transition sont représentés à travers des activités interactives, des expositions, des ateliers et des présentations, démontrant un tout qui est plus que la somme de ses parties. Une exposition ludique et inspirante de solutions existantes présentées pour un avenir résilient et en phase avec les limites de nos écosystèmes.

Les activités comprennent des réformes du système alimentaire, des assemblées démocratiques impliquant les citoyens, des expositions axées sur les solutions, des simulations sociales, des jeux pour enfants, des cafés de réparation et des conseils et astuces de jardinage.

Inspirés par nos innombrables connexions avec des partenaires, des initiatives et des projets à travers le Luxembourg qui mènent le mouvement de transition, nous SAVONS que ce monde est possible. Rejoignez-nous du 28 au 30 juin 2024 à Schluechthaus, Hollerich.

Enveloppez-vous dans un avenir possible où les écosystèmes sont respectés, les sociétés sont égales et les solutions sont menées par la communauté. Laissez-nous, vos amis et voisins, vous montrer les possibilités du mouvement de transition au Luxembourg.


An exploration to re-think solutions to the energy crisis. Discussions on renewable energy co-ops, energy sufficiency as well as efficiency and solutions for insolution, battery technology, construction and decarbonisation.


Imagine our city spaces that are regenerative, healthy and reclaimed by its citizens. Green belts with thriving biodiversity, community third-spaces, neighborhood exchanges and sharing as well as local currencies that encourage resilience and economic independance. Come and experience interactive workshops, displays and games that prove that this kind of world is possible, today.


How can we better understand our eco-systems and connect with the biodiversity around us? Follow your senses to engage with Nature. Topics such as seeds, soils and much more are explored through a variety of interactive activities. Join us and learn how to preserve biodiversity in your neighborhood.


Learn about the importance of eating local, organic and seasonal foods and how to reduce your carbon footprint through food. Learn about what a regenerative food system could look like in Luxembourg. What is a food council and how does it work and why you should care about pesticides in your food.


Experiece a space of inclusivity and living together as part of a muticultural world. Get to know our neighbors through collaborations and exchanges of perspectives and world-views. How can we get involved when we are surrounded by alarming information? How can we learn to take better care of our planet by taking better care of ourselves through Inner Transition?


Through open spaces, round tables and simulation games, experience a system where the citizen contributes, collaborates and actively participates in the decisions and directions of their communities. Learn about socio-cratic tools like participatory budget systems and decision makings processes.


Using the doughnut economic model, let’s share and discuss on reshaping our economy to be more resilient and inclusive. Learn how to create an economy of repair instead of replace, cooperative instead of corporate. Explore local and citizen-led business solutions.

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